Riders Corner
Hey my friend, I’ve been training hard down in Florida this winter (sorry, not sorry) and I’ll be back home in Indiana in just a few short weeks to kick off the season with Rollfast’s first event of the year… The Rollfast 8×8 Challenge. I know some of you have participated in the past (and may be […]
I just returned home from supporting several CINCH athletes at Unbound Gravel in Emporia KS. If you aren’t familiar with the race, it’s the biggest gravel race in the world. With over 5000 competitors, it attracts riders from the pro peloton and people just looking to have fun (we saw a guy on a beach […]
American Structurepoint Inc. and Generational Wealth Advisors of Thrivent step up. We are thrilled to announce that thanks to the incredible generosity of American Structurepoint Inc. and Generational Wealth Advisors of Thrivent, Learn2Ride has secured funds to purchase three Woom bikes! These high-quality, German-designed bikes will be instrumental in helping more children learn to ride […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Rollfast Cycling Club Conquers Chattanooga: Recap from Hincapie Gran Fondo Carmel, IN – May 7, 2024 The Rollfast Cycling Club recently embarked on an exhilarating journey to Chattanooga, Tennessee, culminating in a memorable weekend at the Hincapie Gran Fondo Chattanooga. Led by a group of dedicated riders, including Aeron Barhorst, Brian Jackson, […]
Yesterday was a long one, not only for me and my wife Chris, but for 100 riders that were smashing it down in Nashville Indiana! It was the 7th annual Rollfast 8×8 Challenge, an event that dares cyclists to ride 8 laps in Brown County State Park on a figure eight course. The course is […]
With the Rollfast 8×8 Challenge happening this weekend, I thought I’d share a quick history story of how the event came to be… Registration is open until Friday. More at www.rollfast.us/8×8
We just returned from our second training camp of 2024 in Brevard NC. The week was full of miles and hills, great food, and a little March Madness. At this camp we had some a few OG Rollfast members, some camp veterans, and a new Rollfast member doing his first camp! Ricardo Banuelas (now known […]
Each Spring our club holds several training camps. Each camp creates the opportunity for members from all around the Country to come together for camaraderie. Last week we returned to Tucson Arizona. We had several “OG” members as well as a few “first-timers”. The end result was bonding with new friends. Sharing rides in great […]
Today I saw a post in our clubs internal message board from a member that lives near Louisville KY. It really hit me and made me realize the impact our club has on people around the World by simply declaring we ride for “Mental Fitness“. Even though I haven’t got to ride with Rick, we […]
Since meeting Chris, my life has been a journey of dreams pursued, successes celebrated, and lessons learned. She’s been my compass, urging me to venture into the business world, explore new events, and push my fitness limits. In 2012, Chris’s encouragement led to the creation of Rollfast, initially envisioned as a hub for cycling tee […]
We are ready! In 2024 we are expanding the successful Learn2Ride program with more dates!! We saw an incredible success rate with 81 children learning to ride on two wheels! 2023 Season Our 2024 season will consist of 25 Workshops lead by Coach Matt! That’s an opportunity for 125 children to learn the joy of […]
The 2024 Rollfast 8×8 Challenge will take place on April 27, in Nashville Indiana. Registration is open and capped at 100 riders! For additional information, visit www.rollfast.us/8×8
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 3, 2023Contact: Matt Tannerinfo@rollfastcycling.com Carmel, IND. Bike Carmel’s Learn2Ride Program Empowers 64 Children to Ride Confidently Without Training Wheels Bike Carmel’s Learn2Ride Program has achieved phenomenal success over the summer, successfully teaching 64 children the invaluable skill of riding a bike without training wheels. This remarkable accomplishment represents an astounding 88% […]
We just returned home from a great camp in Brevard, North Carolina! We had some epic rides, a little well timed rain, a lot of great food, and best of all built on the relationships that keep this club unique. This year at camp we had some first timers join us! Matt Breeden, Chris Cox, […]
Thursday night we held our 2022 Annual Meeting. Discussion included our Annual Awards, Victories of the year, Plans for 2023 including camps and rebranding of the Rollfast kit. A zoom link was established for members outside of the Indianapolis area. The recording is below. https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/x9_zynMb1dcoZJ7gLd7M6eNq9F6B5Xo79I-pvz9FJCkpGLtPNhKXZVXwIPg9P_54.Jtma8cOjOqonB3gL
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 2, 2023Contact: MATT TANNERinfo@rollfastcycling.com CARMEL, IND. Rollfast updates look for 2023 with clean direct message You’ll see some new cycling kits around the Country in 2023. Rollfast has hung up the gold “Rollie Vuitton” design that was created in 2020 and opted for a very clean look that pays tribute to […]
Jeremy Wilson and Matt Tanner met at a birthday party 12 years ago. They quickly discovered they both had a passion for cycling. Since that night, they’ve been through a lot and shared hundreds of hours on and off the bike. The duo were teammates for several years first at Wheeltags, then in the Rollfast […]
Wow wow wow… Last week we held our second Spring Camp of 2022 for the RFCC. We headed to a Brevard North Carolina, new location for the club to explore. I can’t say enough about how awesome the roads, views and routes were. Incredible. Upon arrival on Tuesday afternoon, we wanted to check out the […]
Friday February 11th at 1pm EST, Coach Matt Tanner will be hosting a live webinar to discuss the Cinch Power Training Zone (PTZ) “Low Threshold”. He will give you a look at how the Cinch PTZ’s are structured and what makes Low Threshold king of the zones. Following the background information, we’ll dive into a […]
I just returned to snowy Indiana from another great trip out to Tucson Arizona with the Rollfast Cycling Club. This year we had representation from Florida, Texas, Illinois, Indiana, Colorado and brought two new members to their first ever RFCC camp! Upon arrival, we wanted to stretch the legs and did a quick ride along […]
On August 30th of this year, I received the following email from Matt Tanner: “Scott I wanted to let you know that we’ve recently added to the Rollfast website. I hope you are well mentally and physically. Reply to this email or send me a text of you would like to connect or learn more […]
This week a cycling friend in Colorado called me. He just broke he femur in a crash and was really down. When he first called, I wasn’t sure what he was looking for. Mental health support? Coaching advice? Suggestions for sports outside of cycling? We talked for a few several minutes and he asked how […]
Recently David Clark of the Rollfast Cycling Club shared his transformative experience since joining the club on September 1, 2017. Read below and check out the before and after shots! WOW. Yesterday, my daughter reminded me of where I was about 8 years ago, and sent me this photo. Besides being on vacation, I was […]
This weekend the RFCC Indy Squad participated in the Hancock Flat 50. It’s an event that the City of Greenfield contracted Rollfast to create in 2016. Over the years the event has grown in participation. This year over 500 riders came out to ride 25 or 50 miles. While this ride is a fundraiser and […]
We just returned from our World Tour stop in Austin Texas. The entire trip we dealt with dodging raindrops to get our rides in. Some cyclists would be down in the dumps with the radar we were looking at. But our club took it in stride and made lemon margaritas out of lemons. We snuck […]
The Play is called “Climb Closer” – 90sec of standing near all-out effort, yet controlled in your zones to be able to continue and finish strong after creating a gap of topping a climb. Today I practiced this play designed by Tom Danielson @tomdanielson with higher zones than ever before. After the first one, I wasn’t […]
Congratulations to RFCC member and CINCH athlete David Clark on his age group victory at the Blue Streak TT in Ohio on Tuesday night! Dave and I recently practiced a race simulation on the Rollfast TT Games course. I recorded it and have just uploaded the video with commentary and gauges for analysis.⠀⠀Watch the video […]
Saturday I held a Time Trial Simulation for an RFCC member I coach. We spent two hours working on specific techniques and skills to make him a faster racer. After our session, we met up with 5 other RFCC members for a group ride. I don’t know if you got to ride a bike on […]
Coach Matt drops his Top 5 Secrets to becoming a better cyclist Did you get the email this week? I’m sending out my Top 5 tips to make you a better rider. These are secrets learned by riding with the pro’s and training under Tom Danielson at CINCH cycling. For the last 5 years, I’ve […]
As I was working on forming my thoughts for this blog post about “purpose”, my phone buzzed with a Facebook notification. It was a tag from my teammate and close friend Josh Drake. Below is his post: I did twice as many miles as last year! However, the miles weren’t as significant as the friendships […]
If you know me at all you know that I’m a perfectionist. It runs in my family I would say, and I’ve been that way as long as I can remember. As a kid, I would build elaborate Lego creations following the instructions step by step to ensure that my final piece matched the front […]
Ah I can feel it coming on. Yep, a cold sore right on my upper lip. It’s the tell tell sign for me that I’m under a lot of stress. Over the last two weeks we’ve been without a vehicle in the shop, cancelled a trip, started a home renovation, started a coaching business, taken […]
I do not consider myself a “joiner”. I’m an introvert, so I really like my alone time because it is how I recharge my batteries, my essential daily self care. A couple of months ago, Phillip Jones approached me via text to ask if I would be interested in joining a cycling club. I had […]
The RFCC World Tour arrived in Tucson on Thursday night. Friday morning was an epic ride up Mt. Lemmon with six members representing Austin, Chicago and Indy Squads. SAG support was key and Kendra Drake did a great job providing bottles and nutrition on the route. Post ride dinner was provided by none other than […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJanuary 21, 2020Contact: MATT TANNERmatt@rollfastcycling.com CLEARWATER BEACH, FLA. Camp recap from the RFCC World Tour’s first stop in Florida Just as the weather turned nasty in the mid-west, RFCC Clearwater Camp got under way. Riders from the Chicago and Indy Squads met up in Florida for some sunny miles on bikes. Thursday was […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 11, 2019 Contact: MATT TANNER matt@rollfastcycling.com INDIANAPOLIS, IND. RFCC innovates yet again with a new training ride focused on individual performance Fueled by a love for speed and many years of competitive time trial racing, Matt Tanner has created a new game in town. The TT GAMES will test riders abilities […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 10, 2019 Contact: MATT TANNER matt@rollfastcycling.com INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Rollfast releases information about 2020 Rollfast World Tour Continuously evolving, the Rollfast Cycling Club (RFCC) announced it’s plans to hold training camps on a monthly basis around the world. Camps will be designed to take advantage of warm climates in the winter months, […]