Unbound Uncut

Matt Tanner on June 6, 2024

I just returned home from supporting several CINCH athletes at Unbound Gravel in Emporia KS.

If you aren’t familiar with the race, it’s the biggest gravel race in the world. With over 5000 competitors, it attracts riders from the pro peloton and people just looking to have fun (we saw a guy on a beach cruiser!).

One of the athletes I coach, Matt Breeden, has completed the 200 mile race previously. When he hired me his main objective for 2024 was to improve his time.

We put together a brilliant training plan with Tom Danielson and the CINCH method. My wife Chris Tanner helped remap Matt’s diet and nutrition. She analyzed his bloodwork to find deficiencies he’s had since living a plant based lifestyle. I’ve also been working with Matt regularly in the gym building muscle at our beloved Planet Fitness.

Bad luck strikes

With all the hard work in the bank. Matt had the unfortunate luck of cracking a tooth just a week before the event that took him off the bike. The pain was too intense and his dentist couldn’t get it fixed until AFTER the race.

Matt’s emotions were clear to me as a coach even though he put on a smile and said, “I’ll still go and support the other riders.”. He was upset.

The Wednesday before the race, he got in for a root canal last minute! The pain was gone and he told me “I’m going to race.”. We were both excited. Nervous. Anxious.

Breeden did an amazing job at the race, in this interview at the finish line, he talks about the importance of “Knowing your zones“. This is something we preach at CINCH Cycling.

I’m proud of the outcome for Matt, but I’m more satisfied (he is too) with the work we all put into this. The daily effort. Overcoming the setbacks along the way. Making the best of situations we can’t control, and hitting the gas when things are going our way.

This may be Matt’s last 200 mile Unbound, we’ll ask him again in another week or two to see. 🙂

Enjoy the video…

Matt Breeden at the finish line of Unbound Gravel 2024

Matt’s Race Report

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