Matt Tanner on March 20, 2023
Brevard NC Camp Report
We just returned home from a great camp in Brevard, North Carolina! We had some epic rides, a little well timed rain, a lot of great food, and best of all built on the relationships that keep this club unique. This year at camp we had some first timers join...

Matt Tanner on February 6, 2022
Tucson Arizona Spring Camp, Ride Report
I just returned to snowy Indiana from another great trip out to Tucson Arizona with the Rollfast Cycling Club. This year we had representation from Florida, Texas, Illinois, Indiana, Colorado and brought two new members to their first ever RFCC camp! Upon arrival, we wanted to stretch the legs and...

Matt Tanner on May 27, 2021
Bonding Experiences
We just returned from our World Tour stop in Austin Texas. The entire trip we dealt with dodging raindrops to get our rides in. Some cyclists would be down in the dumps with the radar we were looking at. But our club took it in stride and made lemon margaritas...

Matt Tanner on January 21, 2020
RFCC World Tour January Update
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJanuary 21, 2020Contact: MATT TANNERmatt@rollfastcycling.com CLEARWATER BEACH, FLA. Camp recap from the RFCC World Tour’s first stop in Florida Just as the weather turned nasty in the mid-west, RFCC Clearwater Camp got under way. Riders from the Chicago and Indy Squads met up in Florida for some sunny...