Matt Tanner on April 21, 2021
TT Simulation with David Clark
Congratulations to RFCC member and CINCH athlete David Clark on his age group victory at the Blue Streak TT in Ohio on Tuesday night! Dave and I recently practiced a race simulation on the Rollfast TT Games course. I recorded it and have just uploaded the video with commentary and...

Matt Tanner on December 11, 2019
“TT GAMES” Comes to Hamilton County Indiana
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 11, 2019 Contact: MATT TANNER matt@rollfastcycling.com INDIANAPOLIS, IND. RFCC innovates yet again with a new training ride focused on individual performance Fueled by a love for speed and many years of competitive time trial racing, Matt Tanner has created a new game in town. The TT...

Matt Tanner on February 24, 2019
Valley of the Sun Stage Race – Race Report from Spencer Miller
Valley of the Sun Stage Race located in Phoenix, AZ is one that I always look forward to. I did it when I was a junior racing age 17 and then again in my last year of juniors when I was racing age 18. After not racing VOS for a...

Matt Tanner on November 14, 2018
Live and Learn
6-12-24 Hour World Time Trial Championships / Race Report Many people have asked me how my recent race in Borrego Springs California went so I thought I’d take a few moments and do a recap. For those that wonder what I’m talking about, I was urged by my coach Tom...