Matt Tanner on June 6, 2024
Unbound Uncut
I just returned home from supporting several CINCH athletes at Unbound Gravel in Emporia KS. If you aren’t familiar with the race, it’s the biggest gravel race in the world. With over 5000 competitors, it attracts riders from the pro peloton and people just looking to have fun (we saw...

Matt Tanner on December 28, 2021
Workout of the week
Well, I’m back in Indiana after 2 months of living in Clearwater Florida and the weather is… well… blah. I think I’ve ridden outside just one time since coming home which means it’s time to load up the Zwift machine in my little pain cave. It’s not the same as...

Matt Tanner on May 17, 2021
CINCH Workout Report – The Climb Closer (March 27, 2021)
The Play is called “Climb Closer” – 90sec of standing near all-out effort, yet controlled in your zones to be able to continue and finish strong after creating a gap of topping a climb. Today I practiced this play designed by Tom Danielson @tomdanielson with higher zones than ever before. After...

Matt Tanner on January 7, 2021
Coach Matt’s Top 5 Secrets
Coach Matt drops his Top 5 Secrets to becoming a better cyclist Did you get the email this week? I’m sending out my Top 5 tips to make you a better rider. These are secrets learned by riding with the pro’s and training under Tom Danielson at CINCH cycling. For...