Matt Tanner on January 7, 2021
Coach Matt’s Top 5 Secrets
Coach Matt drops his Top 5 Secrets to becoming a better cyclist Did you get the email this week? I’m sending out my Top 5 tips to make you a better rider. These are secrets learned by riding with the pro’s and training under Tom Danielson at CINCH cycling. For...

Matt Tanner on November 9, 2020
To Do Lists
I read a blog yesterday about how to wake up and achieve your goals every day. It was full of tips like “vision boards” and journaling. Maybe those concepts work for you, but for me, it just feels like another project to work on before I really get to do...

Matt Tanner on April 9, 2018
Matt’s Pro Tip: Nutrition
Bonking is not a fun experience and it’s avoidable! Most of the times that I’ve bonked I’ve been in a race or competitive situation with plenty of food sitting in my jersey pocket. Why don’t I eat? Sometimes I forget. Sometimes the pace is too high to safely get into...

Matt Tanner on April 2, 2018
Matt’s Pro Tip: Efficient Climbing
I’ve never been a very good climber. Living in Indiana, our climbing options are pretty limited so practicing technique is difficult. Through the years I’ve been fortunate enough to take some amazing trips with Thomson Bike Tours and Cinch Cycling. These guys know how to climb! Along the way I’ve...

Matt Tanner on March 26, 2018
Matt’s Pro Tip: Gear Selection
Learning the hard way Years ago, I did a lot of training in Southern Indiana, and I thought I knew the area quite well. Enter the Indiana State Road Race in Brown County State Park. I showed up as a Cat4 ready to dominate with my custom titanium bike, aero...