Matt Tanner on April 29, 2024
An Amazing Rollfast 8×8 Challenge!
Yesterday was a long one, not only for me and my wife Chris, but for 100 riders that were smashing it down in Nashville Indiana! It was the 7th annual Rollfast 8×8 Challenge, an event that dares cyclists to ride 8 laps in Brown County State Park on a figure...

Matt Tanner on January 5, 2023
2022 Annual Meeting
Thursday night we held our 2022 Annual Meeting. Discussion included our Annual Awards, Victories of the year, Plans for 2023 including camps and rebranding of the Rollfast kit. A zoom link was established for members outside of the Indianapolis area. The recording is below. https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/x9_zynMb1dcoZJ7gLd7M6eNq9F6B5Xo79I-pvz9FJCkpGLtPNhKXZVXwIPg9P_54.Jtma8cOjOqonB3gL...

Matt Tanner on December 9, 2019
Rollfast Relaunch 2020
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 26, 2019Contact: MATT TANNERmatt@rollfastcycling.com INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Rollfast announces 2020 plans, refocuses on club connections and growth Since 2012 I have poured my life into creating the Rollfast brand. I’ve traveled the world riding my bike and meeting great people along the journey. Here are some highlights...

Matt Tanner on February 24, 2019
Valley of the Sun Stage Race – Race Report from Spencer Miller
Valley of the Sun Stage Race located in Phoenix, AZ is one that I always look forward to. I did it when I was a junior racing age 17 and then again in my last year of juniors when I was racing age 18. After not racing VOS for a...