Matt Tanner on February 12, 2024
Mental Fitness by Design
Today I saw a post in our clubs internal message board from a member that lives near Louisville KY. It really hit me and made me realize the impact our club has on people around the World by simply declaring we ride for “Mental Fitness“. Even though I haven’t got...

Matt Tanner on January 5, 2023
2022 Annual Meeting
Thursday night we held our 2022 Annual Meeting. Discussion included our Annual Awards, Victories of the year, Plans for 2023 including camps and rebranding of the Rollfast kit. A zoom link was established for members outside of the Indianapolis area. The recording is below. https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/x9_zynMb1dcoZJ7gLd7M6eNq9F6B5Xo79I-pvz9FJCkpGLtPNhKXZVXwIPg9P_54.Jtma8cOjOqonB3gL...

Matt Tanner on April 5, 2021
Powerful Rides
Saturday I held a Time Trial Simulation for an RFCC member I coach. We spent two hours working on specific techniques and skills to make him a faster racer. After our session, we met up with 5 other RFCC members for a group ride. I don’t know if you got...

Matt Tanner on November 29, 2020
Don’t Lose Your Dinosaur
One of my favorite movies is Step Brothers. It’s a story of two 40 year old men (Brennen and Dale) still living as children at home with their single parents. When their parents meet they become best friends and are eventually forced to “grow up” and become adults with jobs....