Wilson and Tanner peddling science in cycling

Matt Tanner on October 20, 2022

Jeremy Wilson and Matt Tanner met at a birthday party 12 years ago. They quickly discovered they both had a passion for cycling. Since that night, they’ve been through a lot and shared hundreds of hours on and off the bike.

The duo were teammates for several years first at Wheeltags, then in the Rollfast Cycling Club. They attended races, camps, and events all over the country. They trained together at indoor training studios around the city and they are now both running businesses in the cycling industry working to help athletes perform at maximum potential.

Rollfast Gran Fondo 2014

As Father Time continues to push them both forward, they have continued to raise their fitness in cycling. They fight through the challenges every person faces as they transition from a vibrant 20-something into middle age.

“I’ve noticed, almost suddenly, going out for beers and pizza has a detrimental effect on performance. The inflammation lingers for many days after. I have to be much more dialed in with my nutrition.” – MT

So how have these two found the way to top performance as they age?

What is Jeremy Wilson doing?

Jerms and TK

Jeremy has been in the fitness industry his entire adult life and holds a BS in Exercise Science. His knowledge of the human body and sports performance is deep. Recently, Jeremy brought Robbie Ventura’s VisionQuest Labs to Indianapolis.

At VisionQuest (VQ Labs), Jeremy teaches cyclists to perform at a higher level with the indoor training program. Not only are you required to hold watts, but there are competitive activities where riders are rewarded for hitting target zones in cadence and watts.

“Controlling your effort is essential to become an efficient cyclist.” – JW

But VQ Labs is way more a cycling studio. They offer hi-tech services like Dexa Body Comp Scans, Resting Metabolic Rate, Vo2 Max, Sodium and Sweat, Metabolic Lactic Threshold, Nutrition Consulting. These tests and services are great for all ages, but become more important as you age.

“We believe science and technology are integral in helping you to reach your goals.” – JW

As you age, we believe two of the VQ Labs tests are vital.

DEXA Body Composition Scan – Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA / DXA) is widely regarded as one of the most proven and reliable technologies for measuring body composition. The scan will provide a comprehensive and precise measurement of body fat and bone density.

As we age, it’s critical to keep bone density. Monitoring it with the DEXA Scan on a 6 month schedule is an effective way to make sure you are taking the right steps for a healthy life.

Sodium and Sweat Test – Sweat loss during exercise is crucial to your performance. Rather incredibly, the amount of sweat /sodium lost can vary up to 10 times between seemingly similar individuals.

Everyone loses a different amount of sodium in their sweat, from as little as 200mg per liter of sweat, to as much as 2,000mg/l – this is largely genetically determined. This means that a ‘one-size-fits-all’, off the shelf approach doesn’t work when it comes to hydration.

Jeremy and Angie

When Jeremy isn’t helping athletes reach their full potential, he’s participating in local rides and races. This summer he was asked to guest race for Texas Roadhouse at Momentum Indy. Thanks to his seasoned experience and maintenance of physical strength, the old man still has it in him to mix it up with the young kids!

What is Matt Tanner doing?

Rollfast Gran Fondo

Matt’s background was in graphic design and technology, but he’s been riding bikes his entire life. In 2011 he ditched the computer and put all his focus into the cycling industry. He has poured his passion into creating numerous events, a few cycling clubs and teams, a recovery spa for athletes and most recently a supplement company.

Matt attributes his success in staying fit as he ages to his wife Chris.

“She’s really a biohacker, but has an extensive background in nutrition. She works with clients on improving performance, health, and wellbeing through strategic interventions.” – MT

Matt will have Chris review his bloodwork 2 to 4 times a year and make adjustments with diet and supplements to optimize performance on the bike. It’s a common battle for endurance athletes as they age. Your body isn’t built for endurance sports. We are designed to sprint and lift heavy things. Holding steady efforts for long periods of time puts your body in distress and as you age it becomes much more difficult to recover. Analyzing blood work is the best way to see the deficiencies and make strategic interventions.

Chris Tanner, Uminus20

Matt consumes lots of protein to help keep muscle tone and help with recovery. He typically eats 1g of protein per pound of body weight each day (165g). In addition to nutrition and supplements, Matt has incorporated weight lifting, short runs, and functional fitness into his weekly routine to keep bone and muscle density in check as he ages.

Matt and Chris’ nutrition business started with their popular product Uminus20 (U-20). It’s a drink mix to help maintain youth and health.

“You can’t stop the aging process, but you may slow it down by adding U-20 to your daily routine.” – CT

Strate Products

In 2022, Matt launched the company’s on-the-bike nutrition product under the brand Strate Fuel. The carbohydrate (HBCD) in the Strate Superfuel is a slow burning carb that won’t upset your stomach and Strate also includes ingredients not found in other drinks on the market. Creatine and Inositol are two ingredients that stand out. They promote muscle glycogen storage and boosted energy in the form of ATP for enhanced performance.

Strate also provides supplements for middle-aged athletes looking to extend their performance. Creatine and Essential Amino Acids are two of the supplements that Matt swears by to keep lean and stay strong.

For more information about the services and products at VisionQuest LabsStrate Superfuel, or Uminus20 just follow these links!




* Mention this article when you call about testing services at VisionQuest for a special discount.

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